Thursday, May 27, 2010

37 weeks

this shot is slightly contrived. i thought i could, but i cant actually see my toes.
well, i can if i lean over a bit (they are just visible in this shot if you look closely).
i am now on day 4 (!) of maternity leave. It is an extremely weird world to be in. full on limbo. yesterday i actually went into work?!
tomorrow i find out if my body is working properly and i can deliver this baby the normal way (my placenta is close to the escape route for those who want to know!). i am not used to my body letting me down so it has been something to come to terms with. many people (men generally) think this an amazingly fortunate position to be in, but most women know better. anyway, fingers crossed.
i just had a bit of a depressing moment - the sun came out for the first time this week - and my first thought? yay, i can do the clothes washing. oh god.
anyway, i'm off to indulge in a bit of pampering (its not all bad! ;)

oh - i thought i might try to post a (daily/weekly?) shot of my life. here - the backyard in its wet autumn glory & me trying to be a bit arty.