so we have been on the road for oh, three weeks now? maybe more... i havent been too good at keeping up the old blog - the reason being because i suspect that rohan and i have been struck down by the plague - or something similar...rohan tells me not to exaggerate incase the quarantine squad gets called in by someone but basically we are zombies of our former selves at the moment.
prior to being struck down with the black death i had a brain numbing toothache which thankfully some heavy duty pain killers and antibiotics managed to clear up. i was a bit ashamed at how keen i was to get my hands on some antibiotics when normally i am the first person to start preaching about the dangers of them. anyway, enough whinging, before that we had been having quite a good time...
most of the time in the USA i have felt like i am on a tv or movie set. not really because of any notworthy dialogue between rohan and i, or our moviestar good looks, but more because of the scenery ; ) oh - and the piped music that seems to be in every town lately.
obviously in new york you feel like you could be in a number of films/tv shows but i mostly felt like i was on the Sesame Street set (that was set in NY right?), then we went to boston and cape cod - where it felt like Dawson s Creek. the other day it got a bit Dirty Dancing (unfortunately really only just the scenery, although rohan did try to get a bit patrick swayze (Dirty Dancing era) at the wedding) and then the other night was a bit Psycho (again, just a slightly strange motel with a nearby house on a hill, no knives involved). today we are in a town that doesnt feel like a movie set although it is the first time we have seen an advert on tv for bail bonds...ahh the north west. here are some pics we have taken so far. the camera hasnt come out nearly as much this trip as europe - i think because alot of it feels so familiar.
NY, NY - view from our hotel (first day we couldnt actually see this cos of the bad weather)
guess where?
the view from the empire state didnt fail to impress
rohan in the frozen frog pond in boston
serene cape cod
typical scenery on our drive from boston to toronto
the awesome niagra falls
d/s of niagra - trying to keep my hair from frizzing too much - see the ice shelves on the river banks
we had a bit of a budget review (freak out) the other day and realised that similarly to how on the last trip we because connoisseurs of the european camp ground, this time we will probably become experts of the seedy motel. so far, they seem pretty reasonabe but i'll let you know how it goes.
between this and the last post we also went to my cousin shauna's wedding in victoria. the ceremony was short and sweet, the food was fantastic, speeches were both moving and hilarious and there was a great band and heaps of dancing so we had a great time. i even got to see my dad dance for the first time (to acdc!!) which was a bit of a highlight ; )
grandpa & i having a good time
incriminating evidence!
in other cousin related news, my adventurous cousin henry has just set off on a bike ride from whistler to mexico (& beyond?) with his lovely fiance annie. unfortunately we couldnt be there to see them off but maybe we will catch them on the road at some point. although we have had a bit of a head start - and we do have a car -lazy, gas-guzzling people that we are :-S. anyway, best of luck to the both of them. they are raising money for charity too - & they have a website -
anyway, we are about to head into mormon land so hopefully we come out unscathed on the other side.
kcul su hsiw.