Thursday, January 25, 2007

weather report no.2

drizzle, sunshine, crazy wild weather and then
today we had Snow! not snow and rain's bastard child, sleet (a few days ago) but bo-na-fi-de snow. so much infact, that i managed to sculpt a snowman (not as easy as it looks) out the front of work while i was waiting for it to open (don't ask) at 7am. i didnt take a photo at the time but when i left work today this is what i found...

anyway, i promise this will turn into more than the local weather report when we get back from.........................

morocco! (you have to do a little dance when you read that).
yes, no more bootski's lunches for me for two weeks! - i'm off to eat boiled sheeps heads (it's one of my vegetarian clauses - authentic food) well, maybe i'll stick to the tagines.
have a good few weeks peoples.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

its the small things

it has been so grey and horrible lately that this deserved its own post.

yes, that's right, that's not trick photography folks, that is Sunshine! and blue skies.

for once, sunday has lived up to its name - and where is rohan? at work.

and where will he be if he's not home in 1/2 an hour? 6ft under.

i just optimistically opened all the windows ...brrr....going to go close them now.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

one down

it was actually a joke about the sickies (sort of) but as it happens i have been plauged (sp?) with a head cold for most of 2007 (except for the 1/07 when i was in all other kinds of trouble)...i have been battling through the days at work but today i thought enough is enough and i am at home...working. but not too hard. but good to know that is one new years resolution achieved and now i am going to attempt to upload some more photos of happier times.

my aunt jane and committed uncle john

grandma getting into the presents
grandpa with his requisite novelty headwear and the christmas pud
typical day at the moment