Sunday, July 30, 2006


just to let you all know -
rohan's laptop crashed quite convincingly last week so it is going to make it a bit harder to post anything reguarly. luckily he knew it was about to go and backed it up so we have all our photos safe and sound on a hard drive.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


while i wait for some random photos to load (hasnt been working lately)
i thought i would fill in one of these banal questionairre things.
that said, if you want to fill one in and email it to me i would be interested ;)

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. paper delivery girl
2. kitchenhand (x2)
3. petrol station attendant
4. apple picker

Four nicknames I've been given:
1. frazer (fraze)
2. ains
3. sleb/slee
4. honey

Four movies I could watch over and over (maybe - i have never done this):
1. flirting with disaster
2. american beauty
3. gardenstate
4. pulp fiction

Four places I have lived:
2. sydney
3. london
4. east grinstead (something wrong with that trajectory - this should obviously be new york)

Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. six ft under
3. nip/tuck
4. neighbours

Four places I have been on vacation:
1. port elliot
2. bangladesh
3. argentina
4. turkey

Four things I could NOT live without:
1. food and water and friends
4. money i guess...that's pretty bad..ummm...lust for life.
(now realise this should be the internet)

Four of my favourite foods:
1. rohan's risotto
2. salt and pepper squid
3. sushi (any variety)
4. cheese (pretty much any variety)

Four places I would rather be right now:
1.very happy right here - its warm & i've got paul simon playing
but if i had to...
2. a waifs concert
3.on holiday in greece camping by a beach bonfire with friends
4.having dinner in mum's garden

aarrgh...i hate this computer or blogger (don't know who to blame...or should that be what). it wont upload my photos...sorry people.

ok - it'll have to be a wordy update on what has been going on in the lifes of A&R.
last weekend we spent in london catching up with friends - both new and long lost. it was alot of fun, both nights we ate at rather exotic turkish and morrocan restaurants. stayed up til 6 on saturday morning drunkenly arguing if china will in fact be the next super power. good times.

the weekend before that we went to the cotswolds to wish my aunt mary a happy birthday. we went up the day before and got to attend a concert put on by exchange students from uganda. it was something else...very inspiring. mary's birthday was really lovely - set in a picturesque little village...lots of good food (esp. the profiteroles and meringues) and gorgeous weather. i didnt want to leave (we were the last!)

and then there is just work...rohan has been swimming alot lately - that is where he is now....and we are trying to find a good time to take our next holiday. oh - and we are in the midst of a heatwave...seriously. even the australians (in fact, particuarly the australians) are complaining.

oh - this is probably rohan's place to say - but
congratulations to michelle and chris on the birth of their son, tenzin.
very, very happy and exciting news.


Friday, July 14, 2006

we've been here a year!

in ol' blighty

here's before

and after - look, still smiling!

not much difference really.... i know, rohan has a few more wrinkles...but hey, he's almost 30.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

well i got 'home' yesterday (always feels a bit weird coming home to grinstead) after a week at the lake with the relo's in rememberance of grandma. stayed up to watch the world cup final where zidane pulled a move of madness in extra time.

and to think i fancied him.

dont i feel foolish.

so it turns out getting the progeny of george and mattie together one place results in a bit of a party. who'd have thought? yep, we had laughter, tears, singing, mimicking of accents, intense political was just like the movies (especially when cameron diaz turned up)....and in between it all alot of reminiscing about our mum (or should that be mom?) and grandma.

many, many thanks to sal and dan for putting us up/putting up with us and providing a seemingly never ending supply of tasty food and grog.

i am too jetlagged and sick (?!) to go on - i'll let the photos do the talking (there are some v. photogenic people in this family)

Thanks to everyone for a good time.

em - a happy girl with 3lbs of bacon and some potato (combined with beer pancakes and eggs was our average start to the day)

Auntie Sue, Grandpa (looking tres cool in his sunnies), shauna and my gut at the beach

corey and alison telling a story

grandgirls and grandpa

grandpa and simon

me & my sis

the lake, corey and em - it is illegal to be in canada and not have a paddle in a canoe

the grandkids (-lisa) arranged in order of birth (bar grandpa in middle)

learning how to pose like moviestars (side on, chin out and down for the uninitiated). i think this shot would have more impact if we had the before shot to go with. but for some reason that hasnt been passed on ; )
grandpa (taking the 'chin out and down' one step too far) and frazer, lisa and sal

and to finish off where i began - back at the barbie with dan - supremo chef - guy without who we would have starved or died of thirst and probably not had any clean clothes.