things came to a head on sunday when kate asked if i was pregnant
(or something to that effect).
which of course i am NOT
there is nothing like a mistaken pregnancy to make you put down that packet of japanese rice cracker covered peanuts (mmm....yummm - my latest japanese addiction after i have given up fish/sushi) and haul your fat lazy arse down to the gym. quick smart.
yes, it seems that i have been enjoying rohan's home cooking (joke - that would be
my home cooking) a little too much and now, for the first time in my life, i have had to join the physical jerk army. rohan has joined too, which should help - though he doesnt need to. his body seems to burn more fuel to keep warm in this cold weather while mine pads up!
i am trying not to be too cynical about it - especially as i will be spending no small amount of my hard earned money in doing so. it is a bit hard though. the only 1/2 decent, reasonably priced gym in EG is 'LA Fitness' and we haven't just joined, we have been invited to go on the 'LA Journey' - god! Also, we got a little show bag thing for joining, with a heap of goodies/promotional stuff - like cleansing wipes (good), a special K bar (ok), tampons (?) and a twix bar (?!) - talk about mixed messages - i dont even buy chocolate bars normally - but when i join the gym they give me one for free (well, if you dont count the administration charge). what kind of a gym is this?
i do need to set goals so hopefully the 'journey' thing will help. they asked me what i wanted to achieve and i said 'to not turn into a blob while i am in the uk '(or get mistaken for being pregnant i should have said). they instructor went 'uh, ok'.
anyway, watch this space - hopefully it will be getting smaller.
i am going to be spending the rest of my working week in the field which is good (staying in nice thatched cottage) and bad (crap weather/have to talk our surveyors down 15,000 pounds!) and then i am joining rohan in amsterdam for a long weekend!
and it is coming up to my birthday month! dont worry - i will be sending out instructions re: presents soon.
love & kisses