i am well aware that in a few weeks/months i will look back on this photo and wonder what possessed me to take a photo of my washing!
but, this is what its all about at the moment and I am keeping it real - and well, arent they cute?! and its not like this is the highlight of my week really, i could have taken a photo of umm....getting the car seat fitted or the queue at target orr, oh yeah, how we got talked into buying 10kg of potatoes at the market on sunday (that i now get to transform into meals before they sprout).....well, yes - its a different type of exciting compared to say, travelling around turkey.
anyway, more about washing! it is recommended that you wash all clothes/bedding/etc before they come into contact with that sensitive newborn skin, so I am trying to get through it. Luckily most of baby hudsons stuff is secondhand so doesnt require washing.
It hasnt been great weather for washing lately, but today is the best day of a bad lot so out it goes.
things i am loving at the moment:
the black keys
cloud control
ok, that should be bands. music, as usual, is keeping me sane.