Tuesday, January 13, 2009

2009 txt

i've been umming and ahhing and umming and ahhing about whether or not to keep writing this blog. i started it to keep friends and family up to date with our trip abroad (almost 4 years ago!) and now, well, we're not abroad anymore...but...we may as well be really -we're in newcastle not really near anyone we know - except rohan's brother lee, who has taken up residence in our second and third bedrooms ; ) so maybe i keep writing it? - it should be an exciting year -weddings, first home buying, etc and maybe i should face it - i'm an egotistical maniac deep down. maybe not so deep.

so enough with the justification.

its summer in newcastle. its been hot. the kind of hot that i b*tch and moan about but secretly love. it appeals to that masochistic gene that i picked up from the parrs...or maybe the frazers. quite possibly both. i havent got to sleep before 2am the last couple of nights so this could well be a sleep deprived ramble...

i have never felt more australian since being back - i dont know if its the heat or newcastle or what. possibly it is that i've watched more cricket in the last few weeks than i have in my entire life. yes, that could well be it. although i want south africa to win.

we drove back to adelaide for christmas. we drove down in 2 days stopping by our friends james and mirandah in dubbo on the way for a night which was good. We were in adles for something like 6 days and took it pretty easy - did a bit of swimming - mostly in pools - i think rohan had had enough at one stage and swam out to the end of brighton jetty (shark infested waters). he got bitten by something but luckily not a shark. trip to adelaide also involved lots of eating, drinking, hiking up mt lofty (of course).

we drove back to newie along the ailing murray. to be honest, maybe i was looking in the wrong places, but i didnt see alot of evidence of these 'hard done by' farmers who arent getting enough water for their crops. i saw alot of water being turned into wine and abundant, green vines - some still being sprayed with water in the midday sun. its of course not the same story for the downstream end of the murray, which is tragic...but then that is in south australia/mexico. i think it is most likely greed and not the drought that is to blame for the state the murray is in.

but aaanyway, here are some pics

oh ok...just remembered why i stopped blogging - because our rubbish internet wont let me add photos. i hate australia : (


At 8:25 PM, Blogger ray and marg said...

really glad you've kept up the blog.i'm sure it'll make interesting reading in the months ahead.


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