so after a few weekends of socialising i have finally got the chance to do a bit of relaxing - bliss -and other than the rowdy saffas downstairs, it is just me, a cuppa, jjj and well, this blog. rohan is off paintballing with the boys from work for the day. i am feeling a bit sorry for him because it is unusually muggy today and also i think he has pissed off a guy from work recently who may seek his revenge today. oh well. still, it should be good for him to destress a bit. i hope. i might head down to the shops and get some kind of a poultice (sp?) for his return, but probably not (i am a frazer/parr afterall).
i did some obligatory shopping thismorning but these days i find i am more likely to buy a book or cd than some clothes. not sure what is wrong with me - i might need to see someone about that. also got to speak to my sis for the first time in a while today which was good. if you see her, hassle her about studying.
last week (week before?) the internet just seemed to go ballistic with all the facebook shenanigans. i'm not sure i can keep up with it. i think i might stick to keeping this old thing and keep facebook for poking people...or my virtual life might take over.
so - in order -
the last may bank holiday weekend we headed to the unexplored (by us) north of england and were greeted by the most miserable weather i have ever experienced -constant rain(or drizzle), cold and wind (the trifecta of crap weather). That the peaks district was still quite spectacular (not in its peakiness however as greg pointed out a couple of times) says something about the area because really the weather was bloody awful. we had planned to do some walking (sort of - had some books) but lucky we didnt have our heart set on anything because it wouldnt have been much fun. instead we were reduced to going underground into some very average miners tunnels and (and this is just not fair) spend hour upon hour in the pub next to our accomodation drinking beer (thank god for the pub!) we also got to catch up with Kate and Andy who have returned to the UK after 3 years in Oz. and eat bakewell tarts in bakewell. cant complain about that.
greg, robbie, me and dry stone wall
the next weekend our venture up north was slightly more successful. we went up for Kate and Andy's english version of their wedding reception and took the opportunity to see some of York at the same time. I also went to see the house my grandma grew up in (searching for answers) - which was kinda cool.
drinking on the banks of the Ouse - York,
man of the manor
I, too, have stopped buying clothes. Can't face the shops anymore! What's happening??
Hello Ains and Roh
Loved reading all your blog. Nice to see Bethand Greg and you of course.
Been awhile but you will be hearing a bit more soon we are coming over.
Loved your blog stories and pics looking forward to seeing you soon. Sure you don't want anything from aussie??
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