Sunday, July 17, 2005

just call us londoners


firstly, we have had really fantastic weather for our first few days in england!

we set up base camp in earls court (unforgivably cliche? but very convenient and relatively cheap i think (emphasis on the relatively though)). spent a pretty interesting day yesterday looking for temporary accommodation. when househunting goes well i think i will do it some weekends just for's so interesting getting a sneak peak at how others live their lives. mostly i do it under pressure and hate it.

every place we visited was so different - places with indians, australians, kiwis and japanese - no englishmen though!

the first place we went to (in eastern london) the guy told us how he made a point that people in the flat have to observe the others right to privacy - not ask questions etc...seems he had observed this rule a bit too keenly cos he spoke to us nonstop for about 1/2 an hour! stories about prostitutes moving in..being intimidated by pimps etc...we decided not to stay there but it might have been interesting?

anyway, we have chosen to stay in a semi-detached place in chiswick park. it is short term - til september. the place has internet access (and a washing machine, tv, kitchen, backyard (ok, a sorry excuse for a backyard)) so we should get organised to send some more photos v. soon.

watch this space.


At 10:20 AM, Blogger ray and marg said...

well done - here I was thinking you'd have to find a squalid squat somewhere! Glad you've got a backyard to sunbake in.There's a great photo in SMH on Saturday of someone sunbaking on the footpath outside a block of flats, in Leeds - we immediately imagined you doing the same.
Now you just have to find a good local pub, a trivia competition and you'll feel quite 'at home'.
Lots of love, Mum and Dad


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