cool campers
we went camping on the weekend. a trial run to see what the chances of us suffocating each other with a pillow in the coming months are (likely).
we found a pretty nice spot on the pretty dorset coast with sea views, cow views and other campers sort of out of view thanks to hedges. it decided to stop bloody raining too which was appreciated. it was no kakadu, but hey, been there done that ; )
our car has personalised numberplates (no fault of our own - we inherited them - DIG XXXX (yeah - we dont really get it either))
when we signed into the campsite we had to register using our car numberplate on a tag that would hang from our tent. rohan spelt it out for the girl - D.I.G....
she wrote down D.A.G - we just looked at each other.... why fight it.
so we were labelled as dags but i think we looked more like fools as we tried to assemble our behemouth of a tent. you can stand in it which is nice when it is up, but to get those bendy poles to bend in that arc at that height is tricker than it looks... much trickier.
anyway, it was mostly fun...we had dinner at the smugglers inn down the road on the coast which was really nice. it has been pretty much gutted now (only old flagstones and beams remain) but the only lighting is from lamps on the walls and when it got darker you could almost imagine smugglers sitting around boasting about what they'd got ashore.
the trip did cause a bit of camper envy in me though. i am now keen to get some candle lantern flare things, a portable fire pit and a wind shelter.
in other news...we bought a new laptop. it has vista and it is causing a few quandries.
i am quite pleased by the new waiting icon (circle with a little light going around in the middle - almost as good as the sony icon) but then i get annoyed at myself for being pleased with such an inane thing (its tough, being me).
also there are no menus!! (not on ours yet anyway) one day i will let rohan have a go and he can sort it all out.
and i officially gave notice the other day so am finishing up work on the 27th...
ummm....the campsite - there are cows in that photo
pretty dorset coast shots
old bridge
Have you read Ian McEwan's book "On Chesil Beach"..about young love, passion and other stuff!!!!!!
Great tent...I'm sure you'll be well-visited by other campers for some great nights socializing.
marg and ray
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