Friday, December 23, 2005

do they know it's christmas time?

you non-brits really have no idea how good you have it. i had NO IDEA how many crappy christmas songs had been written before coming here. All the shops and radio stations have conspired to make sure that every song that goes over the airwaves is related to christmas... if i hear that soul sapping one by paul mcartney (that fortunately is out of my head for the first time in a long time) i might kill a reindeer (there are some at brighton - i saw them on the weekend). and don't get me started on the title song.

we had our second christmas party on tuesday (yes, that would be another 12 hours of continuous drinking - but in style, well for most of it (the part where i forgot about the camera)), followed by a EG christmas dinner (non-alcoholic) on wednesday and mince pies today - i am going to be over christmas by sunday. i did manage to fit in a visit to the gym yesterday to do yoga - fortunately the regular taskmaster was away and then fill-in yogi taught a version of yoga that focussed pretty much only on breathing (to christmas tunes! : ) but it wasn't exactly hard work.
anyway, won't bore you further -
hope everyone has a great christmas and gets lots of nice presents

-photo's from christmas party (most of these are all after the classy event at a manor house in the country side (the lake was frozen))


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